Some things are nice to look at. Some things are practical. And some things are both: nice to look at and practical. The Rolf Benz 908 valet stand clearly belongs to the latter category. Whether used as a lamp holder, a stand for the dressing room or wardrobe, or as a holder for scarves or bags, it always looks exceptionally elegant whatever its role and can easily stand on its own as a sculptural piece of art. The dapper all-rounder is based on a design by the Cologne-based design studio kaschkasch, founded in 2011 by Florian Kallus and Sebastian Schneider. We spoke with the two trained carpenters and product designers about their work, their love of craftsmanship and the future of interior design.

Hello Florian, hello Sebastian. Tell us, how did your cooperation with Rolf Benz come about and what is it based on?

Florian Kallus: We’ve been in contact with Rolf Benz for many years and we regularly discuss our work and new ideas. Companies like Rolf Benz – with their in-house production – are always a blessing for us as designers. It’s fantastic to experience and accompany the craftsmanship at the German site. Our collaboration with Rolf Benz is lots of fun. The prototype meetings are always extremely productive and very friendly as well. The details that we discuss in these meetings can be tried and tested immediately, which is a great advantage. When we presented our design for the valet stand Rolf Benz 908, the people at Rolf Benz were immediately enthusiastic – we could get started more or less right away.

Sebastian Schneider: We always try to find partners who are on our wavelength. Partners who share our appreciation of good design and how we always try to get the best result out of each design. With Rolf Benz, we felt that they were the right fit from the very beginning. We were immediately impressed by the company’s high quality and professionalism.


Where does the inspiration for your work come from?

Florian Kallus: For me personally, anything can be a source of inspiration. A good conversation, a sudden thought, interesting architecture, a detail in road construction or an artist’s work. For the valet stand, we were inspired by Pablo Picasso and his one line drawings. That’s a very strong series. After seeing those drawings for the first time, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. Basically, free art is a rich source of inspiration for me. Although it is usually very different from design, there are still some parallels.

Sebastian Schneider: It’s pretty much the same for me. Sometimes I find inspiration in normal everyday things. For example, when I inspect the rubbish bin in the pedestrian zone closely and everyone around me is wondering, what on earth is he doing? Sometimes I’m inspired by Florian, if he shows me a sketch of a mirror, for instance, and I spontaneously see a lamp in it. And sometimes the specific work process creates inspiration, if a project takes a completely different direction than intended. However, design work is much more than inspiration. Ultimately it’s also craftsmanship. Little by little you have to work towards your goal – that’s how it is for us, anyway. Inspiration by itself isn't enough. You don’t just have a good idea and the rest takes care of itself, it’s not that simple.

Florian Kallus, Design Studio Kaschkasch

„For the valet stand, we were inspired by Pablo Picasso and his one line drawings. That’s a very strong series. After seeing those drawings for the first time, I couldn’t stop thinking about them. “

The keyword here is versatility: thenew furniture range Rolf Benz 931 (coffee table, shelving, serving trolley) and the valet stand Rolf Benz908 are extremely versatile and can be used in different ways. Does an object always have to fulfil several functions for you?

Sebastian Schneider: No, sometimes that can even have a negative impact on a design. Generally, though, function and user friendliness play a central role in our designs and we often discuss this in the team. I like multifunctionality, but only when it’s done subtly and casually.

Florian Kallus: I think that a chair isn’t just a chair. Depending on how you use it, it can also be a valet stand, a bedside table or a doorstop. That’s why I consider multifunctional furniture to be desirable.

Where would you use Rolf Benz 908 or Rolf Benz 931? Are these pieces of furniture intended for a certain furnishing style?

Florian Kallus: I think the valet stand works almost anywhere in the home, whether that’s in a walk-in wardrobe, a bedroom or a living room – there are no limits to how it can be used.

Sebastian Schneider: The boundaries between different living spaces are becoming more and more blurred. Today, the dining room, living room and kitchen are often in one and the same room. Different living styles are increasingly being combined. And in these times of working from home, even the office chair can be found at the dining table. Furniture from the Rolf Benz 931 range is extremely flexible thanks to its rollers, so it can be moved easily from A to B. I don’t see it being used in a special location or in a specific environment. The furniture should be used wherever its owner feels is right and where it looks good.

Quarantine, contact restrictions, working from home – people have spent significantly more time at home in recent months. To what extent does this development change our homes? What does thefuture of interior design look like?

Florian Kallus: That question was on our minds even before the pandemic. I personally think that rooms will become even more versatile in future. Even though I can easily think about designs while sitting on my sofa, I believe that clearly defined rooms – such as our studio – help one to stay focussed. I wouldn’t want to compromise on that by any means. As is so often the case, the truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. One thing’s for sure: it will become even more flexible but remain just as exciting, in any event.


Pictures: Thomas Wiuf Schwartz

ROLF BENZ goes Tokio



人々がラグジュアリーを求めて訪れるショッピングスポットのひとつが表参道周辺のエリアだ。ここではハイエンドなショッピングを楽しむ以外にも、安藤忠雄、隈研吾、槇文彦を始めとする著名な建築家の魅力的な建築や、根津美術館、ブルーノート東京など有名なカルチャースポットを訪れることができる。この南青山に今年の1月に日本初のROLF BENZフラッグシップ店がオープンした。

最高品質の„Made in Germany“空間

約370㎡の面積でROLF BENZは上品な「Made in Germany」のリビング空間を提案している。このストアコンセプトは、ロルフベンツの長年のパートナーでもあるハンブルグのデザインスタジオ「labsdesign」により開発された。このフラッグシップストアはエンドユーザー向けだけではなく日本の設計者又は日本に滞在している外国の設計者をターゲットにしている。そのため、本国ナーゴルトにある本社で研修を受けた専属のセールスチームが、個々のニーズに合わせてクライアントのプロジェクトをサポートができる体制となっている。ここでも日本人の親切さとホスピタリティを、世界中のロルフベンツストアと同様に堪能することができる。

ROLF BENZ IMM 2020 virtual tour.
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ケルン国際家具見本市 imm2020年





今回先進的なインテリアを求める人が必ず訪れたロルフベンツのブース。その理由は、フェアの開催前に必ず家具業界では話題となる「Stylepark Selected Award imm cologne 2020」を受賞したROLF BENZの新作「LIV」が発表されたからだろう。

ROLF BENZの新作「LIV」は、モジュール型のソファユニット、シェルフとコーヒーテーブルから構成されたラグジュアリー感溢れるリビング家具シリーズである。このケルンフェアでデビューを飾った新たな家具コンセプトは、イタリアのデザイン事務所「Nichettostudio」 と共に開発された。「現代の多様な住空間に適応できるソファシステムをつくること、それが今回の課題でした。あらゆるシーンに最適な組み合わせ自由自在にできるような商品を求めていました」、と代表のLuca Nichetto氏が語る。その言葉通り、「LIV」はクリアなラインとソフトな座り心地に加え今までにない柔軟性を兼ね備えている。座面クッション、背もたれ、アームレストは様々な仕様オプションから任意に組み合わせることが可能。さらにシェルフユニットを組み合わせることでデザインの幅が更に広がる。

ケルンフェアで発表されたもうひとつのアイテムがLIVソファにマッチしたコーヒーテーブル、ROLF BENZ「901」。ソファの繊細なフォルムを取り入れたコーヒーテーブルは正方形または長方形と2つの高さから選択できる。また「902」のコンパクトなサイドテーブルは片手でも簡単に持ち運びができる取っ手つきでさまざまなシーンに活用できる。テーブルトップはどちらとも天然石またはクリアガラスから選べる。


待望された新しいダイニングセットも2020年にリリースされた。上品な座面シェルが特徴的なROLF BENZ「600」と彫刻のような存在感溢れる新しいダイニングテーブルROLF BENZ「929」は多くの目を惹いた。この新作のデザインを手がけたのがハンブルグのデザインデュオのホフマン&カレイス。


シェルチェアのROLF BENZ「600」に劣らず、ダイニングテーブル「929」も強い存在感を醸し出す。テーブルトップは無垢材または天然石から3つのサイズオプションで用意されている。ウンブラグレー、ブラックまたはマットスチールから選ぶくことができるパンチングデザインのメタルベースはその繊細さからも一際目を惹いていた。





















ルカ・ニケット:私は自然が最も理想的なデザイナーだと考えています。親友である写真家のマッシモ・ガルドネは、花の素晴らしい写真を撮影しています。数年前、私たちはガルドネの自然写真からスカンディナビアンカラー指定機関NCS AB社との協力のもと新たなカラーパレットを開発し、以来この色パレットをデザインコンセプトに取り入れています。「LIV」の場合、ダークレッドやオークル系など温かみのある色合いが主なカラーにしました。








「プロジェクトの仕事に合間、私たちは自身の写真やアートプロジェクトにも時間をとっているのです」、とデザインスタジオの創設者のセバスチャン・ラブス代表が語る。「いつだったか、ROLF BENZのためにデザインした家具を全く新しいコンセプトで演出しようというアイデアが挙がり、そこにハンブルグ港の新鮮な空気の中での撮影のアイデアが生まれました。そこで家具を持ちながら港中で魅力的な場所を探し回りました。家具にはダイニング兼アームチェアのROLF BENZ「641」、張りぐるみベンチのROLF BENZ「945」、ラウンジアームチェア ROLF BENZ「384」と「394」、としてコーヒーテーブルのROLF BENZ「985」、「927」、「923」と「933」を選びました。



ホテル フリッツ・ラウターバード
Urban Soul meets Black Forest


„Urban Soul meets Black Forest“、すなわち「都会の魂と黒い森の融合」をスローガンに、この現代的なデザイン空間で最高級のサービスが満喫できるデザインホテルが3年あまりで出来上がった。そして019年の7月、「ホテル フリッツ・ラウターバード」がついにオープンした。私たちはシュテッフェン・シリンガ―にこの画期的なアイデアと彼の故郷愛、そしてロルフベンツ社とのコラボレーションの経緯について伺った。



新しいホテル フリッツ・ライターバードではその手腕が証明されましたね。この「Urban Soul meets Black Forest」というスローガンはどこから生まれたのですか?


”Urban Soul meets Black Forest“とは具体的になにを意味していますか?




ロルフベンツ社はこのアイデアに即座に賛同してくれました。そして早速”Urban Soul meets Black Forest”のコンセプトをデザイン的にどのように具現化できるかについて協議しました。その過程の中、たまたまロルフベンツのミラノ・サローネフェアの写真を目にしたのですが、そのデザインが私たちが正に求めている空間だったのです。そのデザインコンセプトを基に適切な家具と色あいと素材の選定が始まりました。2018年の12月に全ての仕様を決めて2019年の5月に全ての家具を設置をして完成させました。その時は最高の気分した!

ROLF BENZはあなたにとってどのようなブランドですか?

わたしたちと同様、ROLF BENZはこのシュワルツヴァルトを誇る最高クオリティを象徴しているブランドです。ナーゴルト市で製造された家具はスタイリッシュでタイムレスなデザインのものばかり、そしてとにかく最高に快適です。私の親戚や知り合いの多くがROLF BENZ家具をリビングに設置しており、中には何十年も愛用されているものがみられます。そしてそのモダンなデザインは今でも新鮮さを失っていません。 








ROLF BENZ と freistil ROLF BENZの家具が採用されている「フリッツ」ホテルでは70室のゲストルーム又はスタジオルームのフォレストビュー、またはパノラマビュータイプが用意されている。このホテルの中心となるのが、文化遺産として登録されている旧館とモダンデザインの新館を結ぶガラス張りのロビー。そこには自然のカラーを取り入れたソファやアームチェアがそれぞれアイランドとして点在している。そしてインテリアはグリーン、コッパーや土色など自然の色合いで統一されている。

客室とスタジオにはロッキング機能付きのアームチェアROLF BENZ「684」、freistilのアームチェア 「173」とソファ「175」、そしてコーヒーテーブルROLF BENZ「8480」と「973」が設置されている。またチェアROLF BENZ「650」は机椅子、ビストロバーのバースツールまたはレストランのダイニングチェアとして使用され、会議室にはスタッキングタイプのチェアが設置されている。

Rolf Benz ADDIT
Genesis of a Favourite Place

With Rolf Benz ADDIT, Tina Bunyaprasit and Werner Aisslinger have developed a progressive, modular sofa system with iconic potential and once again demonstrated their visionary spirit and technical expertise. The innovative sofa landscape opens up completely new perspectives for individual living and shows the Rolf Benz brand from an unusually playful side without losing any of its characteristic clarity. Working closely together with Rolf Benz, the two designers from Berlin have succeeded in formulating a response to our hyper-individualised times in the form of a sofa, if you will.

We spoke to the two designers about the creation process from their assignment to the sofa’s première at the Salone del Mobile 2019.

Phase 1: from the briefing to the design

Ms Bunyaprasit, Mr Aisslinger, how do you as designers approach such a task? Where do you start?

W. Aisslinger: First of all, we received an extremely detailed and really good briefing from Rolf Benz – with precise specifications but enough leeway for our own ideas at the same time. That’s the basis of our work. Ideally, you would then leave the briefing to sink in for a while. The initial idea sketches follow on later.

T. Bunyaprasit: It can help to think about what you would actually like. What’s still lacking perhaps in this sofa world and what you would like to bring into that world. Ultimately, such a commission is always a great opportunity to fulfil your own wishes.

What inspires you?

W. Aisslinger: We travel a great deal. Naturally, this is also reflected in our different commissions and projects. We also live in a very inspirational city. Every day is an inspiration in Berlin. It’s often enough simply to walk through the neighbourhood. As a designer you soak up your environment and what you see or experience flows into your own work.

T. Bunyaprasit: Inspiration can be many things, including looking back on the past. Childhood memories, for example. You can reminisce and question what you previously experienced. When it comes to sofas, well-being and this feeling of security play an important role. That’s where looking backwards can be really useful.

What was the idea behind Rolf Benz ADDIT?

T. Bunyaprasit: It was about developing a sofa system that serves as a universal favourite place, taking all facets of modern everyday life into account. The system sees itself as a type of modular system. You can combine different types of components as you like. This special flexibility gives the whole thing something really personal.

W. Aisslinger: We wanted to create a favourite spot. A collage world. Your own personal cabinet of curiosities. A place where things accumulate that originate from your own life or are part of the modular system. We’ve been thinking about collages for a while. We’re not trying to build monochromatic style collections, but bring together different materials, worlds and surfaces. As designers, we think of ourselves as a kind of DJ who mixes the whole thing up so that it works both for end customers and for the Rolf Benz brand.

Phase 2: from paper to implementation

How does the idea materialise?

T. Bunyaprasit: We draw a lot of sketches. We create them not just in the traditional sense at our desk in the studio, but also spontaneously on a serviette during lunch in a restaurant, for example. At the start everything is pretty scrawly. But then we go relatively quickly to the 3D program to outline pretty realistic proportions. Everything is created digitally on the screen first of all and then implemented analogously using real models.

W. Aisslinger: Since a sofa is usually free-standing in a room, it has to look good from all angles. Including from the back. We can use our software tools to check that carefully. Rolf Benz then builds the samples on that basis. So actually everything moves relatively quickly from the 3D computer phase to real volume models.

How do you proceed when selecting materials? What do you look for in particular?

T. Bunyaprasit: We collect lots of materials and have a large materials warehouse accordingly. This gives us the opportunity of combining different materials as the fancy takes us and experimenting with their look and feel.

W. Aisslinger: Honest, authentic materials are particularly important to us. Nothing artificial. Glass, stone, fabrics, leather – and beautiful textures. The finishes are very important, so whether something is matt or shiny. Or grainy. It’s a mix. And, of course, the know-how and world of Rolf Benz plays a crucial role as well. In specific terms, that means: Which materials are available? What does the latest fabric collection look like?

Phase 3: team work on the prototypes

What happens in the prototype phase?

W. Aisslinger: It’s a really exciting and symbiotic moment. There’s a reconciliation between the Rolf Benz brand and us as the design team. During the prototype phase, we sit down together with the engineers and developers and carefully examine everything. Where does the visual appearance take priority and where does construction count? Are there any possible savings potentials without impacting the quality? Questions like these need to be answered in the team during the prototype phase.

T. Bunyaprasit: For me, the prototype phase is the most exciting phase. You finally have the real sofa in front of you, you can touch it and sit down on it. You can often see lots of potential for optimisation immediately.

Which tests does the prototype have to withstand?

T. Bunyaprasit: First of all you walk around the sofa and assess it from top to bottom. You touch it. Sit on it. You also let yourself fall onto the sofa to see if it feels good. And then you also consider whether it’s the right size.

W. Aisslinger: It has a lot to do with ergonomics and seating comfort, of course. But in the case of ADDIT, it was about showcasing effortlessness and further development. However, Rolf Benz did explicitly ask for something progressive and bringing all this together was a considerable challenge. But after all, that’s precisely what makes our job so appealing.

Phase 4: from prototype to production

What’s special about the production phase?

W. Aisslinger: What’s exciting at Rolf Benz is that everything is entirely made in Germany. We’re talking here about the highest processing quality. Ultimately, it’s a matter of implementing this high quality requirement down to the last detail. Each individual seam is considered carefully: Is this the right and best-possible solution? Where does the seam start and where does it end? Then you look at the construction elements such as metal intersections and shaping. This is where you finely tune the design and it’s especially fun. Particularly with a top-class partner such as Rolf Benz who is extremely well-versed in this regard and places great store on ultimate perfection.

T. Bunyaprasit: Handcrafted perfection is becoming increasingly important. It’s great when one has the opportunity to achieve this high quality craftsmanship consistently right down to the smallest detail, as was the case here with Rolf Benz.

Phase 5: the finished product

What are the design highlights of Rolf Benz ADDIT?

W. Aisslinger: Rolf Benz ADDIT offers a whole range of great highlights. The superbly manufactured cushions with their great seams and their pleasant volume for excellent seating comfort. Or the elegant platform that makes the sofa look like it's floating. Then there’s the underlying frame with its plug-in options for small side tables or shelving, for example. After all, ADDIT isn't just a sofa. It’s a whole landscape. A big, well thought out modular system that is playful, friendly and inviting.

T. Bunyaprasit: Another special feature is the system’s effortlessness. It’s a relatively light piece of furniture with comfortably soft cushions. It doesn’t just look cosy, it is cosy. It’s a landscape that can grow progressively. There’s nothing static that could prevent personal growth. The whole system has a pleasing sense of airiness that enables its owners to think in a different light.

Rolf Benz ADDIT consists of which components?

W. Aisslinger: Rolf Benz ADDIT is made up of the sofa, armchair, small side tables, plug-in trays, free-standing side tables, shelving options and a finely coordinated rug collection. It will be followed by additional elements. The modular system will continue to grow and offer new possibilities. We want to continue building on the ADDIT world together with Rolf Benz. It’s an exciting project.

At the end of this long development process, what was your greatest challenge? What was the most fun?

W. Aisslinger: Interpreting the high Rolf Benz quality in such a light and airy and relaxed way was a challenge that was unbelievably fun at the same time.

New frontiers in Milan

New trends, new designs, new living concepts: at the Salone del Mobile Milano trade fair, the irrepressible creative enthusiasm and innovative strength of the international furnishings and furniture sector can be seen in all their glory. The 58th edition of the popular classic trade fair involves all sorts of surprises – once again proving that the story of how we live is nowhere near over, but is constantly being rewritten and updated by ambitious designers.

Lots of news and a true innovation

Of course, Rolf Benz is once again full of surprises and, with its new, outside-of-the-box products, makes it clear that “made in Germany” with world-class design is still a force to be reckoned with. Take the new, super modular Rolf Benz ADDIT sofa landscape from Werner Aisslinger and Tina Bunyaprasit, for instance. It is an example of a new living philosophy that focuses resolutely on the personality of the residents and offers the greatest possible design scope. Rolf Benz ADDIT views itself as your absolutely and universally favourite place within your own four walls. The sofa as a conversation area. As a home office. As a media point. As a play area. As a haven of peace. As a family meeting point. In short: all aspects of life are played out here. The additive components of the domestic "playground" are shelving, brackets and trays, as well as optional coffee tables and rugs that coordinate with Rolf Benz ADDIT.

Notwithstanding its multi-functionality, a dining table with space for the whole family to meet is and remains a cultural achievement that can’t easily be replaced. This doesn’t mean that dining culture can’t evolve, however. Once again, Rolf Benz has thought outside of the box. To the Far East. The result? Voilà: the sculptural-looking Rolf Benz 986 dining table with optional rotating tray. The round table is made entirely of high-quality natural stone and pays homage to Chinese cuisine. Based on a design by This Weber, it will certainly attract plenty of admirers, not only in Asia.

And yet something else is in the limelight. It’s a real innovation. A highlight – or rather two – with which Rolf Benz is literally penetrating new spheres at the Milan Furniture Fair and starting an entirely new chapter: for the first time in the company’s history, a separate bed collection is being presented in the name of Rolf Benz SLEEPING.


An award-worthy good night’s sleep

Rolf Benz SONO and Rolf Benz TONDO are the names of the new bed series that from now on will stylishly accompany people seeking peace and quiet through the night. Rolf Benz SONO comes from Beck Design, while Rolf Benz TONDO is a creation from Labsdesign. But wait a moment…TONDO? Wasn’t there something like this? That’s right: the TONDO bed is an evolution of the sofa with the same name, which premièred three years ago in Milan, winning the "best of the best", the highest prize in the "ICONIC AWARDS Interior Innovation" in 2017. These are the best requirements for an award-worthy good night’s sleep.

A bed like a hug

Whether placed near to the wall or free-standing in the room, the down-to-the-floor Rolf Benz TONDO bed makes a good impression in any situation. Its loose back cushions mean you can comfortably lean against it while sitting upright. The curved headboard even enables you to sit next to each other. The innovative "cuddle lounge" is available in three widths and two lengths and also as a box spring bed or as a classic version with mattress and slatted frame. If you can’t get enough of the superbly casual appearance, you can add the wonderfully corresponding occasional furniture to your bedroom: the Rolf Benz 917 seat bench, the Rolf Benz 916 bedside table and the Rolf Benz 907 valet stand complete the ensemble.

Perfect craftsmanship

The first thing that you notice about the Rolf Benz SONO designer bed is the headboard with its elaborate diamond-shaped pleating. Yet despite its appealingly subtle opulence, the bed appears weightless and elegant, not least thanks to its inset delicate legs. Like Rolf Benz TONDO, SONO is also available in three widths and two lengths and also as a box spring bed or with a mattress and slatted frame. In addition to the bed, Beck Design has created the Rolf Benz 918 upholstered bench which also has sophisticated pleating. It’s just a shame that your eyes are closed as you sleep…

Berlinale 2019
People, Bears, Sensations – the Capital in a Film Frenzy

Berlin is energy. Berlin is adventure. Berlin is diversity. In short: Berlin is a bit of everything and anything but monotonous. The same also holds true for the Berlinale, which is rolling out the red carpet for the 69th time between 7th and 17th February – and once again attracting national and international guests as well as Hollywood greats such as Christian Bale. The film festival of superlatives keeps the city on its toes with eleven jam-packed days and all-night parties. Berlin’s star is now shining beyond the city’s boundaries and out into the whole (film) world.

Golden Gloves and Die Toten Hosen

With a total of 500,000 cinema-goers, the 69th Berlinale once again takes cinema-hungry fans from all over the world on a cinematic journey of discovery right through the international film landscape. Over 400 films from 74 countries, covering a wide range of topics. And highly topical: they tackle gender equality, child exploitation, the erosion of traditional family patterns, food in this age of globally-operating agriculture and food corporations, as well as the working environment of the future. Added to this are portraits of artists – from Brecht to PJ Harvey right up to Die Toten Hosen. However, the program also includes horror thrillers such as Fatih Akins’ “The Golden Glove”. As one of 16 competition films, he is fighting for the much coveted bears and the favour of the jury, chaired by Oscar winner Juliette Binoche.

A Hollywood-Ready Appearance

Just like in 2018, ROLF BENZ is once again “Official Supplier” to the Berlin International Film Festival. As well as the Berlinale VIP Club (“Dieter Kosslicks’ living room”), the lounge areas in the Potsdamer Platz arcades and the Berlinale Rooftop Café offering breath-taking panoramic views of the city, the Audi Berlinale Lounge and the two exclusive Partner Lounges in the Berlinale Palast are presented in the unmistakeably clear ROLF BENZ design language.

Carefully curated interior design incorporating the comfortable Rolf Benz NUVOLA modular sofa, the armchairs in the 383 and 384 ranges or the 950 cube seat characterise the lounge atmosphere of the locations, creating a casual feel-good atmosphere that invites you to stay a while and relax. “We are pleased that we can now welcome our national and international guests also to the Partner Lounges in the Berlinale Palast in proper style with furniture from Rolf Benz,” says Kathrin Schafroth, Head of Sponsorship of the Berlin International Film Festival. 

Berlinale Up Close

The two Partner Lounges in the Berlinale Palast and the two-storey Audi Berlinale Lounge offer a perfect view of the red carpet. This is, without a doubt, the most relaxing way to watch the hustle and bustle of the Berlinale. Whereas the Audi Berlinale Lounge is accessible to the public and offers a varied program ranging from yoga sessions to interesting talks and evening parties, the two Partner Lounges serve as an exclusive meeting point for the sponsors and invited festival guests.

You can still breathe in the Berlinale air even if you’re not on the red carpet. After all, we’re talking about a total of 35 venues, spread out across the entire city. Why not provide a stylish ambience at the “branches” of the Berlinale, they wondered at ROLF BENZ. No sooner said than done: raise the curtain on probably the most beautiful cinema seat in the world (Rolf Benz 384) and the brilliantly refurbished venues of Filmtheater am Friedrichshain, Odeon, Zoo Palast, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Haus der Berlinale Festspiele and also HAU Hebbel am Ufer.

Thanks Dieter, Thanks Berlin

After 18 successful and eventful years, Festival Director Dieter Kosslick will take off his hat – and scarf – at the end of the 69th Berlinale and pass, in his own words, “the best job in the world” on to his successors, Mariette Rissenbeek and Carlo Chatrian. We wish the new co-managers much success and say thank you, Dieter, for 18 inspirational years!

Speaking of the winds of change: seven of the 16 competition films that are expected to win awards or bears are the work of female directors. That’s a record level. And also a clear, important signal for the future. Berlin has recognised the signs of the time. And that’s a good Thing.

New appearance. New sofa bench.

If something is comfortable and warm, we call it “cosy”. A term which, in the first instance, doesn’t exactly describe the hectic activity at one of the most important home furnishing exhibitions with 1,355 exhibitors from all over the world. And yet, at the 70th imm cologne this year, it was surprisingly “cosy” – at the Rolf Benz stand at least.

“Cosiness isn’t necessarily tied to a specific place. You find it wherever you can relax. On your own, together as a couple, with friends, or even at a trade fair,” according to Sebastian Labs and Gunther Kleinert from Hamburg design studio labsdesign, which designed the Rolf Benz stand as well as the new Rolf Benz VOLO couch range.

Design made in Hamburg

Designers and interior designers work hand-in-hand at labsdesign. The prize-winning design studio has frequently worked with Rolf Benz in the past. The creative professionals from Hamburg have designed coffee tables, armchairs, sofas, trade fair stands and the Rolf Benz loft at its headquarters in Nagold. However, entire urban villas, country houses, concept stores, restaurants and hotels such as Til Schweiger’s “Barefoot Hotel” at the beach of Timmendorfer Strand also bear the signature of labsdesign.

“Whether it’s a sofa or a town house, we love new challenges. Each project starts with an initial image in our mind, which gradually matures and quite literally takes on an increasingly concrete form. This is followed by lots of sketches, 3D models and studies. This continues until finally, all of the proportions are right,” explains Sebastian Labs.

Cosy – and fully detached

With its new modular sofa system, Rolf Benz VOLO, labsdesign has once again provided a thoroughly convincing answer to the question of how a modern living environment can be cosy yet flexible and contemporary at the same time. Rolf Benz VOLO scores points not only with its extraordinary seating comfort but also the sense of pure lightness that it conveys. Its product name could hardly be more apt: “VOLO comes from Latin and means: I'm flying,” says Labs. Indeed, owing to its graceful legs and streamlined ramp that serves as an elegant platform for the comfortable cushions, the sofa appears to float weightlessly in the room.




„We wanted to design a casual and comfortable sofa that can be combined in different ways. Right from the start, it was important to us to make the high level of comfort appear as light and mobile as possible, not heavy or clumsy“

Sit as you are

Whether you sit upright or slouch casually, Rolf Benz VOLO adapts perfectly to individual seating preferences thanks to the newly developed cushions with an integrated back roll. An increase in comfort and cosiness that the visitors who come to the Rolf Benz stand to try out the furniture, as well as the makers of labsdesign, visibly enjoy. “It’s the high degree of seating comfort and the well-thought-out design of the seating and back cushions that make VOLO so incredibly cosy,” explains Labs.

“At the same time, the sofa has a great range of possible combinations. Depending on the space available, VOLO can be arranged as a single or modular sofa. Its uniform seat frame enables different modular seating landscapes to be created. And the covers for the body, frame, back cushions and back cushion rolls can be selected to create either a unified look or different colour and material combinations,” adds Kleinert.


Sofa surfing for professionals

What is the personal relationship between the two designers and the sofa? “Sometimes I deliberately spend the night on the sofa. I personally find it really comfy. I think it goes back to when I used to sleep on the couch as a child in the school holidays, when I went to visit my grandma. Really happy childhood memories,” says Kleinert.

“I like to get lost in thought when I have a bit of time and space, and a good sofa definitely helps with that,” says Labs. Sebastian Labs counters our final question about his favourite sitting position with a question of his own: “You really want to know…?” He casually slips from the couch and remains seated on the rug in front of it with a grin on his face. Kind of another way of sofa surfing.



„I like to get lost in thought when I have a bit of time and space, and a good sofa definitely helps with that“